Thursday, March 7, 2013

Core Values that Drive Patient Care

As indicated on the previous post, Access Homecare and Hospice has been following three core values – Accountability, Customer Service, and Teamwork.  All branch locations have been asked to share something in their office to remind them daily of these core values.  The Access Ogden location has a great poem posted throughout the office and in the nurse’s station.  Its intent is to remind us of how important each patient is.  We would like to share that poem with all of you.

“A patient is the most important person in our company.  He is not dependent on us.  We are dependent on him.  He is not an interruption in our work.  He is the purpose of it.  We are not doing him a favor by serving him.  He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”

At Access we are so grateful to our patients and their families for allowing us into their lives.  We grow close to each patient and enjoy every minute we are able to spend helping make their life better.

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